Now Is The Best Moment To Get Involved
The psychedelic policy reform movement has faced many setbacks over the past 18 months.
Campaign losses, tabled or vetoed bills across the country, and challenges at the federal level are all signs that we have much more (exciting!) work to do.
And we knew this would eventually happen. 5 years of unprecedented victories across the country at the local and state level couldn’t last forever.
But these setbacks are signposts.
The losses are lessons.
The failures are future wins.
The challenges we’ve faced are a huge gift because they show us where to improve.
And now is the absolute best moment to get involved in the psychedelic policy reform ecosystem.
Because it’s bursting with potential.
Yearning for new ideas.
Hoping for fresh leadership.
Calling for an organized, networked, accountable, and well-informed community working together.
And if politics are downstream of culture, well, then we need the base of the psychedelic policy reform movement to stand up and prove it.
This is the time for the nationwide plant medicine community to rally around local policy reform to decriminalize and defund the enforcement of criminal and civil penalties for the personal and private use, possession, and cultivation of natural psychedelic plants and fungi in small towns and big cities all across the country.
Because we deserve it.
And that’s why you’re here, reading this.
You’re one of the people who can lead this movement, and we need you.
The psychedelic renaissance would not exist without your spirit for the work – your dedication and passion – to the promise and potential of plant medicine.
It’s time to harness that spirit and discover how you can have a bigger impact in your local community.
You have so much to bring to the conversation. Your energy, your knowledge, your experience – all of it makes a huge difference when it comes to changing hearts and minds with psychedelics and changing your laws.
The best part? You don’t need any experience to get started. I didn’t!
Incredible work has been accomplished over the past five years with over two-dozen towns, cities, or counties that have decriminalized plant medicine.
We haven’t seen any significant negative impacts on public health or public safety in these communities, and now people all across the United States no longer need to worry about facing severe criminal penalties for the personal or ceremonial use of entheogens.
Local policy reform is an incredibly effective pathway to not only provide more legitimacy to the nationwide movement, but also educate the public, build stronger local communities around the work, and provide a foundation for broader change.
Roadmap to Reform is designed to simplify the local policy reform process. It provides you with the fundamental knowledge and tools to build your team and communicate the message of psychedelics in a pragmatic way to citizens and lawmakers so that you can transform hearts, minds, and laws.
My Experience
My name is Kevin Matthews and I’ve been working as an advocate, citizen-lobbyist, proponent, consultant, and advisor for psychedelic policy reform efforts at the local and state level for the past 6 years.
The Denver Psilocybin Initiative (I-301, May 2019) was my first campaign. We were bootstrapped, inexperienced, and total underdogs. There were many doubts, ridicule in the press, friends and family who had their reservations (why wouldn’t they!?), and mistakes made. But, despite all of that, we persisted and won that campaign. Denver was the first city in the U.S. to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms for personal use, and it catalyzed a national movement at the local and state level to decriminalize and, in some cases, legalize psychedelics.
This led me to being appointed to the Denver Psilocybin Mushroom Policy Review Panel, where I served as the Panel’s President for 4 years. In that time I had the privilege of working directly with city officials and others. Our accomplishments there include submitting our 2021 Comprehensive Report to the City and County of Denver, and working with MAPS to deliver the nation’s first crisis intervention training for first responders.
The Natural Medicine Health Act (Proposition 122, 2022) was my second campaign. As the co-Chief Proponent of that statewide ballot measure, and the Coalition Director of the campaign, I learned a ton more about polling, drafting, petitioning, messaging, focus groups, media engagement, advertising, fundraising at levels that far exceeded my work in Denver. It was a game-changer and opened up a whole new world of knowledge and expertise in this space. Colorado is still the freest place in the U.S. for adults to determine their own relationship with natural psychedelic medicine.
But, why did I get involved in this work? After leaving the United States Military Academy in December 2008 with an honorable discharge and medical retirement due to major depressive disorder, my life was in shambles. I had no purpose, no direction, and experienced a complete loss of identity. Experiencing this led me to digesting as much information I could with self-help, psychology, anything that would help me uncover the core of my trauma and heal it.
This seeking eventually led to exploring Jungian analysis, which led to spirituality, which led to plant medicine. Psilocybin mushrooms saved me. They opened doors into my subconscious that were previously closed, and reminded me that I have so much more autonomy over my mental health than I was told or believed. That single experience was the moment I became alive again, and I immediately began restructuring my life which led me to where I am today.
Now, I want others to experience the boundless joy that comes from talking to thousands of people and inspiring them to vote, or support, changing laws for psychedelics where they live.
What’s included?
Winter Cohort: January 10 - February 28, 2025
10 hours of live training with Kevin hosted over zoom ($1100 Value)
Introduction to the course and overview of the psychedelic landscape.
Why decriminalization matters; identifying your “why”; finding your local path to policy reform.
Identifying allies and creating a team; building consensus with your team and local community.
Drafting policy; model language; legal resources; polling and surveying; petitioning and gathering signatures.
Field organizing; event planning and hosting; Getting Out The Vote (GOTV).
Media training and working with the press; earned media; paid media.
Handling opposition and PACT goals.
Mindset, leadership development, and leadership commitments.
4 private 50-minute coaching calls with Kevin to dive deeper into your local experience ($370 value)
Lifetime access to a private online community of your cohort and peers for inspiration, accountability, networking, and support + discounts on future courses + early notification to exclusive events.
Downloadable PDF course workbook ($50 value)
Find me on social feeds for discount codes thru 12/31/24